Бандит Б-520 Bowrider

Бандит Б-520 Bowrider


Бандит Б-520 Bowrider for charter

  • 6 Guests

General information

5,30 m / 17,39 ft
2,20 m / 7,22 ft
600,00 tonne / 0,01 sh cwt
80 liters
Cruising speed
38,00 kn
Max speed
38,00 kn

Trend in prices

Updated Seller price Price, $ Change price, $
19.07.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 20 055 -
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -10 684
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
23.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 777 +$ 1 406
23.03.2022 966 770 ₽ $ 9 371 $ -1 406
22.03.2022 1 111 786 ₽ $ 10 683 +$ 1 312
17.12.2021 966 770 ₽ $ 13 112 +$ 2 429

* Attention! The price is indicated on a date taking into account the currency exchange rate on this date


The first model of the lineup "nd" is a reliable and comfortable high speed boat to fly over the water! Introducing the new hard-borty boat - Bowrider 520 Bandit. - Excellent handling - Cornering without slipping - Immediate exit to gliding on an even keel - High speed up to 70 km/h! - Excellent habitability - A large number of baggage containers - Spacious bow locker "BANDIT 520" designed within the concept of speed boats, with accumulated rich experience in the design of the original contours of the hulls of high-speed boats, reliable, with a high degree of stability and security that is the hallmark of our company. In concept this bowrider (Bowrider) with excellent habitability, a large number of baggage containers, a huge bow locker. A distinctive feature of the boat is also the convenience of boarding and alighting passengers, which ensures high static stability. Equipment in the database: - The case with lockers,steering console and passenger with glass of polycarbonate in allyum. frame., - Duck mooring stainless steel. - PBLB rails and handholds for the passenger, - Glovebox with lid, - Air vents, Eye 10 mm - Swivel chair with cushions for the seats driver and passenger, The helm V. 57B, the designated place 15 feet 66, servo T 71, Installer X 34, Top fire quick on the rod, - Navigation lights PBLB, Box for battery with the key mass Horn, The fuse block Switch block with a cigarette lighter, - Fuel tank Assembly 73 l fuel gauge the fuel gauge on the console - Bilge pump electric
$ 12 327Listed price: 1 111 786
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Бандит Б-520 Bowrider for charter

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Added: 10:00 18.03.2019
Updated: 21:07 28.03.2023


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