
- 31.05.2021
- 2,485
Yachting in Italy: the sights of the island of Ischia
The island of Ischia in the Tyrrhenian Sea attracts tourists with a successful combination of natural and historical attractions. Despite the fact that it has a small area (only 46 square kilometers), a large number of museums, parks, beaches, spas and hotels are concentrated here.

- 21.05.2021
- 1,375
Yachting in Italy: Ponza Islands
Ponza Island in Italy (the largest in the Pontine Islands archipelago) is located in the Tyrrhenian Sea 102 km southeast of Rome and has a length of just under 9 km. Ponza, like all the islands of the archipelago, is of volcanic origin and has a rich history.

- 13.07.2020
- 543
Alternative energy use on board
A modern yacht is not just a means of transportation, but also a complex set of systems (navigation, household, electrical, water, security systems) that consume energy.

- 28.04.2020
- 572
Best yachting destinations in Italy
Italy is a country of wine and sun, which is visited by more than 40 million tourists annually. Almost 60% of all world heritage sites under the protection of UNESCO are concentrated here; more than 3 thousand museums operate on the territory of the country.